MrJazSohani SharmaAhmedabadAhmedabad

Genocide of Banu Qurayza, and story of Rayhāna bint Zayd And Ka'b ibn Asad

Story of Banu Qureyza

The Prophet Muhammad had so far fought the battles of Badr and Uhud, along with the people of the Quraysh, and had also ordered two Jewish tribes, the Banu Qaynuqa and the Banu Nazir, to leave Medina without all the wealth of these tribes. Some people went to the people of the Quresh clan and asked for their help to take revenge to Prophet Muhammad, as Mohammad Sahib was robbing the convoys of Mecca, getting upset by this, the chief of the Quresh clan, Abu Sufiyan, along with his army, goes to fight with them. [1]

The spies of Muhammad, who were in Mecca, inform Muhammad that the chief of the Quresh clan, Abu Sufyan, is coming to fight with them with about 10,000 people, but there were only 3000 people in the army of Muhammad.

Then a war of ditch is fought between Quresh and Muhammad, in which the chieftain of Banu Qurayza did not help Quresh due to fear of prophet Muhammad, or because of the cunning of one of his sahabi Noman according to Islamic historians, due to which Quresh's men go back. And this mistake of the chieftain of Banu Qurayza proved fatal for their existence.

Banu Qurayza did not do any thing which make them a traitor, on the contrary, they gave them tools for dig the ditch and weapons, yet it is not important what they did, is important that, what a person did who claimed that he is the last prophet of God.

So let's see what the prophet did

Sahih Al Bukhari 4117

And they attacked Banu Qurayza

Then prophet Mohammad called the person who gave the azaan and asked him to announce about the attack on Banu Qurayza after the azaan.

First Rasool sent Ali to Banu Qurayza, when Ali reached there, he heard Banu Qurayza’s people saying bad things to Rasool

When Rasool reached Banu Qurayza, he said to the people, O monkeys and pigs, have you not seen how God has tortured you, and what kind of punishment has been inflicted on you, when the people of Banu Qurayza heard this they said " you said, you are the last prophet of god and see what kinds of words you are using"

Sahih Al Bukhari 3167

When this news came to the notice of the chief of Banu Qurayza Kab bin Asad, he went to his people and told them

O Jews, you can see the condition in which we have come, I tell you three things, out of which you will accept whatever you like, first that you accept Islam, this is the only way that you can take care of your women and Save the lives of the children, because we are not enough to fight Mohammed, on hearing this, the Jews said that how can we believe in any other religious book except Torat, to which Ka'b said, well, if you do not accept Islam, then kill your children and women's with your swords, and then fight with Mohammed and his people, on this the Jews said, how can we kill our women and children with our hands, on this Kab gave the third suggestion , that today is Saturday, so attack Mohammed secretly today, he will not even guess that you can attack him on that day, on this the Jew's said that we cannot do attack on the holy day, when the Jews did not accept any suggestion, the tribe of Banu Qurayza surrendered unconditionally, thinking that prophet Muhammad would expel them from Medina like Banu Quaneca and Banu Nazir, and there life would be saved. but did not happened what they expect.[2]

book Tarikh Al Tabri 
Prophet Muhammad laid siege to the Banu Qurayza clan, and this siege lasted for 25 days, then Prophet Muhammad ordered that all the men of Banu Qurayza should be tied up and imprisoned, and women and children Should be kept captive in a separate place. Seeing this fate of Banu Qurayza, the Os tribe which helping them also loses it’s courage, then the Jews begged Muhammed to send his companion Abu Lubaba to them so that they could do some consultation, when Abu Lubaba went to the Jews. When he came, seeing the pitiable condition of there women and children, he felt pity on them, the Jews asked Abu Lubaba what Mohamed had decided, to this Abu Lubaba gestured with a hand on his neck, death.[3]

Then the next day, in the morning, the people of Banu Qureja were brought to Muhammed, the aws clan made a lot of requests to Muhammed, that he drive them out of Medina like Banu Kuneka and take all their wealth but do not kill them, On this Muhammad said, what if I ask a person of your own tribe to decide this, on this the Jews felt that the man of their tribe would decide in their favor, and they agreed, then the Messenger asked to saad to decide, Saad was a coverted muslim who was a jew first, he hated Jews and his tribe a lot, so he converts to Islam and joins the army of Muhammed, and Muhammed knew this, so Very cleverly, he asked Saad to decide, then Saad asked o jews, will you accept my decision, the Jews said, yes we agree, and then Saad said, then I decide that all the young men of Banu Qureja's be slaughtered, their women and children are taken as captives, and all their wealth should be taken away.[4]

It is not important what Saad said, it is important what that person said, who claims that he is the last prophet of God. and imagine what the prophet said about this decision

he said : You have passed judgment on them with the judgment of god from above seven heavens [5]


Ibn hisam said, when the Jews were being taken to be slaughtered, the Jews would say, where is that person of ours, the believers say he was killed, and then they asked, where others, and they said, they also killed, then Jews said, "then you, send us also to our people, life without them has no meaning, we hope to meet them", on this Abu Bakr said, you will always meet them in Hell , then every person was taken away and his neck was beheaded.[6]

But wait, the story is not over, after killing all the men, Muhammad ordered that

Sunan an-nasa’i 3429

Tabri writes that Mohammed took those slave children to "Najd" and sold them, and with the money he received in return, he bought weapons and horses. [7]

One of the enslaved women, a woman named Rihanna, was taken by Muhammad for himself.[8]


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